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At Colorado State 
  1. Hye Jin Jeong, Cyrus Picou, Keunhong Jeong*, Jean K. Chung*,  “Oxidation kinetics of fluorescent membrane lipid peroxidation indicators.” ACS Chem. Biol. 2024, 19, 8, 1786-1793
  2. Sein Min, Cyrus Picou, Hye Jin Jeong, Adam Bower, Keunhong Jeong, and Jean K. Chung. “Melittin–Phospholipase A2 Synergism Is Mediated by Liquid–Liquid Miscibility Phase Transition in Giant Unilamellar Vesicles.” Langmuir 40, no. 14 2024: 7456-7462.
  3. Sein Min, Juhee Baek, Jisu Kim, Hye Jin Jeong, Jean K. Chung, and Keunhong Jeong. “Water-Compatible and Recyclable Heterogeneous SABRE Catalyst for NMR Signal Amplification.” JACS Au, no. 10 2023: 2912-2917.
  4. Hye Jin Jeong, Sein Min, Juhee Baek, Jisu Kim, Jean K. Chung, and Keunhong Jeong. “Real-Time Reaction Monitoring of Azide–Alkyne Cycloadditions Using Benchtop NMR-Based Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange (SABRE).” ACS Measurement Science Au, no. 2 2023 134-142.
  5. Tyler A Jepson, Sarah C Hall, Jean K Chung, “Single-molecule phospholipase A2 becomes processive on melittin-induced membrane deformations,” Biophysical Journal 2022, 121 (8), 1417-1423
  6. Tyler A. Jepson and Jean K. Chung. “Diffusion-based determination of protein homodimerization on reconstituted membrane surfaces.” BMB reports 54.3 2021 157.

Before Colorado State

  1. Jean K Chung, William YC Huang, Catherine B Carbone, Laura M Nocka, Atul N Parikh, Ronald D Vale, Jay T Groves, “Coupled membrane lipid miscibility and phosphotyrosine-driven protein condensation phase transitions,” Biophys. J 2021, 120 (7), 1257-1265
  2. Morgan R Packer, Jillian A Parker, Jean K Chung, Zhenlu Li, Young Kwang Lee, Trinity Cookis, Hugo Guterres, Steven Alvarez, Md Amin Hossain, Daniel P Donnelly, Jeffrey N Agar, Lee Makowski, Matthias Buck, Jay T Groves, Carla Mattos, “Raf promotes dimerization of the Ras G-domain with increased allosteric connections,” PNAS 2021, 118 (10), e2015648118 
  3. Joyce J Wong, Zhongwen Chen, Jean K Chung, Jay T Groves, Theodore S Jardetzky, “EphrinB2 clustering by Nipah virus G is required to activate and trap F intermediates at supported lipid bilayer-cell interfaces,” Science Advances 2021, 7 (5), eabe1235 
  4. Jean K Chung, Laura M Nocka, Aubrianna Decker, Qi Wang, Theresa A Kadlecek, Arthur Weiss, John Kuriyan, Jay T Groves, “Switch-like activation of Bruton’s tyrosine kinase by membrane-mediated dimerization,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2019, 116 (22), 10798-10803
  5. William YC Huang, Steven Alvarez, Yasushi Kondo, Young Kwang Lee, Jean K Chung, Hiu Yue Monatrice Lam, Kabir H Biswas, John Kuriyan, Jay T Groves, “A molecular assembly phase transition and kinetic proofreading modulate Ras activation by SOS,” Science 2019 363 (6431), 1098-1103
  6. Dong, M.; Spelke, Dawn P.; Lee, Young Kwang; Chung, Jean K.; Yu, Cheng-Han; Schaffer, David V.; Groves, Jay T. “Spatiomechanical modulation of EphB4-ephrin-B2 signaling in neural stem cell differentiation” Biophys. J. 2018 115(5), 865-873
  7. M Delarue, GP Brittingham, S Pfeffer, IV Surovtsev, S Pinglay, KJ Kennedy, M Schaffer, JI Gutierrez, D Sang, G Poterewicz; Chung, Jean K.; JM Plitzko, JT Groves, C Jacobs-Wagner, BD Engel, LJ Holt, “mTORC1 Controls Phase Separation and the Biophysical Properties of the Cytoplasm by Tuning Crowding” Cell 2018 174(2) 338-349.
  8. Chung, Jean K.* Lee, Young Kwang,* Denson, John-Paul, Gillette, William K.,Alvarez, Steven, Stephen, Andrew G., and Groves, Jay T. “Membrane-reconstituted K-Ras4B remains monomeric over a wide range of surface densities and membrane lipid compositions” Biophys. J. 2018, 114 (1), 137-145
  9. Lee, Young Kwang; Low-Nam, Shalini; Chung, Jean K.; Hansen, Scott D.; Lam, Monatrice Hiu Yue; Alvarez, Steven; Groves, Jay T. “Mechanism of SOS PR-domain autoinhibition revealed by single-molecule assays on native protein from lysate” Nat. Commun. 2017, 8,15061.
  10. Li, Wan; Chung, Jean K.; Lee, Young Kwang; Groves, Jay T. “Graphene-templated supported lipid membrane nanochannels,” Nano Lett. 2016, 16(8), 5022-5026.
  11. Huang, William Y. C.; Yan, Qingrong; Lin, Wan-Chen; Chung, Jean K.; Hansen, Scott D.; Christensen,  Sune M.; Tu, Hsiung-Lin; Kuriyan, John, and Groves, Jay T. Groves. “Phosphotyrosine-mediated LAT assembly on membranes drives kinetic bifurcation in the recruitment dynamics of the Ras activator SOS” PNAS 2016, 113(29), 8218-8223.
  12. Chung, Jean K.*; Lee, Young Kwang*; Lam, Hiu Yue M.*; Groves, Jay T. “Covalent Ras Dimerization on Membrane Surfaces through Photosensitized Oxidation,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (6), 1800-1803.
  13. Chung, Jean K.; Thielges, Megan C.; Lynch, Stephen R.; Fayer, M. D. “Fast Dynamics of HP35 for Folded and Urea-unfolded Conditions,” J. Phys. Chem. B, 2012 116 (36), 11024-11301.
  14. Chung, Jean K.; Thielges, Megan C.; Fayer, M. D. “Conformational Dynamics and Stability of HP35 Studied with 2D IR Vibrational Echoes,” J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2012, 134 (29), 12118-12124.
  15. Thielges, M. C.; Axup, J.; Wong, D; Lee, H; Chung, Jean K.; Schultz,  P. G; Fayer, M. D. “Protein Dynamics Studied with 2D IR Vibrational Spectroscopy Using a Site-Specific Genetically Encoded Unnatural Amino Acid Vibrational Label,” J. Chem. Phys. B 2011 115, 11294-11304
  16. Chung, Jean K.; Thielges, Megan C.; Bowman, Sarah E. J.; Bren, Kara L.; Fayer, M. D.  “Temperature Dependent Equilibrium Native to Unfolded Protein Dynamics and Properties Observed with IR Absorption and 2D IR Vibrational Echo Experiments” J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2011, 133(17), 6681-6691.
  17. Thielges, Megan C.; Chung, Jean K.; Axup, Jun Y.; Fayer, M.D. “The Influence of Histidine Tag Attachment on Protein DynamicsBiochemistry 2011 50, 5799-5805.
  18. Thielges, Megan C.; Chung, Jean K.; Fayer, Michael D. “Protein Dynamics in Cytochrome P450 Molecular Recognition and Substrate Specificity Using 2D IR Vibrational Echo Spectroscopy” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133(11), 3995-4004.
  19. Chung, Jean K.; Thielges, Megan C.; Fayer, Michael D. “Dynamics of the Folded and Unfolded Villin Headpiece (HP35) Measured with Ultrafast 2D IR Vibrational Echo Spectroscopy” PNAS 2011, 108(9), 3578-3583.
  20. Kwak, Kyungwon; Rosenfeld, Daniel E.; Chung, Jean K.; Fayer, Michael D. “Solute-Solvent Complex Switching Dynamics of Chloroform between Acetone and Dimethylsulfoxide-Two-Dimensional IR Chemical Exchange Spectroscopy” J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112(44), 13906-13915.
  21. Kim, Seongheun; Chung, Jean K.; Kwak, Kyungwon; Bowman, Sarah E. J.; Bren, Kara L.; Bagchi, Biman; Fayer, M. D. “Native and Unfolded Cytochrome c – Comparison of Dynamics using 2D-IR Vibrational Echo Spectroscopy” J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112(32), 10054-10063.
  22. Ishikawa, Haruto; Kwak, Kyungwon; Chung, Jean K.; Kim, Seongheun; Fayer, Michael D.  “Direct observation of fast protein conformational switching” PNAS 2008, 105(25), 8619-8624.
  23. Ishikawa, Haruto; Finkelstein, Ilya J.; Kim, Seongheun; Kwak, Kyungwon; Chung, Jean K.; Wakasugi, Keisuke; Massari, Aaron M.; Fayer, Michael D. “Neuroglobin dynamics observed with ultrafast two-dimensional-IR vibrational echo spectroscopy” PNAS 2007, 104(41), 16116-16121.